Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Second day of work

Today, we spent the morning working at the hospital, as Garrett said. Karen and I went with Jamie to work on the autoclaves. They were all functional except one, which needed a new part. We cleaned them up and then went to lunch, provided by Maria Jose’s mother. The Mapa de Relieve was really cool, and it claims to be 99.99% accurate. The Manos de Amor Clinic was a great facility. They provide care for anyone, with very low payment. We brought donations for the clinic that were graciously accepted by Pastor Alvaro, including items such as equipment and clothing. After the visit to the store, we had a little time to relax, which included soccer and basketball games. We just finished a spaghetti dinner, which was delicious. After dinner, we had a bonfire complete with marshmallows.


Here is a picture of Dr. Paschal, Garrett, and Jessica K. working on Bovie machine.

Here is a picture of Dr. Paschal opening up one of the tubs filled with donations for Manos de Amor.

Day 4 - The hospital and Manos de Amor!

Our second day in the hospital began with some new assignments. Instead of Katherine, Sung, and Lauren heading to the labor unit like yesterday, they were working on the circuit breakers for the Operating Room. Karen and Jessica P. went with Jamie to the autoclave area and cleaned some of the equipment there. Dr. Paschal, Jessica K., and I worked to repair an Electrosurgery unit. We gathered some parts from a junked unit and then replaced the switch on the unit we were working on. After some wire cutting, band saw action, de-soldering, and soldering, the unit was up and running. Maria Jose’s mom provided us with lunch again and we were off to the Manos de Amor clinic.

On our way we stopped at the ‘Mapa de Relieve’, a giant relief map of Guatemala that showed the volcanoes, jungles, and coast of Guatemala. We then went by the Manos de Amor clinic and toured its facilities. It has OB/GYN, dentistry, pediatrics, a pharmacy, and more - all for next to nothing. It was an amazing facility and the people there were some of the nicest and most genuine people. On our way back to the Nazarene center we stopped at the Wal-mart-ish supermarket again and picked up some marshmallows for our bonfire tonight. We’ll post some pictures a little later, so check back!


Here is a picture of the map that we saw before going to Manos de Amor.

At the Nazarene Center we had a bonfire!