Sunday, March 1, 2009

Day 1 - Off to a great start!

We have arrived in Guatemala City! 5:15 came a little early this morning, but we all made it to Branscomb (more or less on time) and got to the airport with lots of time to spare. I guess I’m not the best to be giving you an update on the traveling part, I slept at the airport and straight through both of our flights – from Nashville to Houston and Houston to Guatemala City. Once we got to Guatemala City and made it through customs we were greeted by Dean White and Maria Jose, our guide for the week. Victor, our bus driver, was also there and after packing up the bus we drove through the city to the Nazarene Center, our home for the week. Driving through the city made me feel like I was at home, driving through some of the more hispanic parts of Los Angeles. The city itself is packed with people! Take one look at the city buses and the rear of the bus is almost sitting on the axles because they’ve got so many people packed in! The Nazarene Center is great. It’s situated on a hill and is very homey and comfortable. After getting settled in and setting our stuff down, we again loaded the bus and headed out for the site of the Shalom Foundation’s future surgical center. Maria Jose showed us around and, with a little creativity, we were able to see what it will look like after construction is finished. It’s definitely going to be an amazing place and do some awesome work in the city when it’s all up and running. After our tour, we came back to the Nazarene Center and had dinner and did some other activities before heading to bed. One activity included relfecting on the day and write ourselves some letters with expectations for the trip that we'll get to read on the final day. Anyway... off to bed - we’re going to need the sleep, we’ve got to be up and having breakfast at 7 tomorrow morning!


The Nazarene Center:

A bus packed with people:

Our group walking through the Shalom Foundation's future surgical center:

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